You were hurt in an accident.


While recuperating, you decide to bring a lawsuit against the careless person who caused you harm.

You find an attorney who starts your lawsuit.

Months later you appear in your attorney's office for the purposes of being asked questions and giving answers.

Legally, this is known as a deposition.

It's actually pretrial testimony that carries the same exact weight as if you are giving testimony at trial.

The only difference is that there is no judge and no jury present.

However, there is a court reporter present to record all of the questions and all of your answers.

Before appearing that morning, you met with your attorney and he prepared you for the type of questions you were going to be asked by the defense lawyer.

During your preparation session, it seemed as if your lawyer asked you every question under the sun.

However, during the course of your questioning by the defense attorney, he asks you questions about your sex life.

Your attorney did not discuss this with you.


He should have.

In all likelihood, your claim included damages for an inability to have sexual relations.

If that's the case, you should have been prepared to answer lots of questions about what your sex life was like before your accident and what it's like after your accident.

The defense attorney has an absolute right to learn what medical problems you have now as a direct result of your accident.

If you are claiming that the accident affected your sex life, the attorney is entitled to learn details about your sexual activity, as embarrassing as that may be.

To learn even more, I invite you to watch the quick video below...


Gerry Oginski
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NY Medical Malpractice & Personal Injury Trial Lawyer