Posted on Aug 22, 2013

Most people are aware of the fact that BPA products have negative side effects, especially in children. But new research is finding that there are more and more issues with BPA products than were previously known. The authors of the study find it important to make these facts public as these issues seriously affect children.

Many companies have started making BPA free products as chemicals associated with BPA are known to have negative side effects in children. A new study discussed in this article by Reuters shows that the side effects are even more serious than previously assumed. The study links BPA with diabetes in children.

The study connected bisphenol A to obesity in children and phthalate which is used to soften plastic to diabetes in youngsters. A pediatrician from New York University told Reuters, “Clearly unhealthy diet and lack of physical activity are the drivers of this epidemic… but increasingly environmental chemicals are being identified as possible contributors.” The study used the data of children aged twelve to nineteen. The study found that high levels of one type of phthalate known as DEHP was closely tied to a precursor to diabetes. DEHP is often used to soften plastic bottles according to the article. For people who want to buy DEHP-free products they should know it is utilized in plastic which has the number 3 on it for recycling.

The chemical may influence how the body secretes insulin according to the study. Researchers are advising parents to avoid buying products that are made using DEHP. One of the authors of the study told Reuters, “I advise them not to wash plastic containers in the dishwasher. And when the plastic is etched or damaged it is time to throw it away.”

In a similar study another group of researchers found that BPA is linked to obesity in children. The children used in the study had small amounts of BPA in their urine thus showing that the BPA chemical from the plastic they eat or drink out of does get into their body to some extent. One doctor told Reuters, “That study adds further concerns to the ongoing use of BPA in food.” BPA is known to leak into food when people microwave food from plastic containers. In order to keep their children healthy parents can watch out for BPA products by looking at the labels on products before they buy them. Most plastic containers for children now state whether they are BPA-free.



Read More About More Side Effects of BPA Products...

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