New York State will host its Cancer Prevention Summit in Manhattan on May 20, 2015.
Many health organizations in New York are participating in the Summit and the audience will be challenged with action points.
The Summits main focus is the prevention of cancer and leading experts will present their research and insights. Creating a society that makes a prevention a priority for the next generation is the ultimate goal.
Over 50% of all cancer can be prevented by applying what researchers know right now. Although the evidence is strong for the power of prevention through lifestyle choices and environmental factors, the message of prevention still has not reached the majority of Americans.
The full story of the power of cancer prevention is yet to be told. More than 50% of cancers worldwide are considered to be preventable. Now it is important to focus on the ways in which cancer risk is profoundly affected by lifestyle and environmental factors.
The public will welcome the chance to learn about the ways in which cancer risk can be reduced through healthful eating, increased physical exercise, smoking cessation, moderate use or avoidance of alcohol, avoidance of tanning beds, avoidance of over-exposure to the sun and us of HPV vaccine and Hepatitis B vaccine, all of which contribute to cancer prevention. This advice will be presented at the Summit.
Toxic chemical present in homes, schools, work and recreational spaces present a real threat to health and are increasing cancer risk. The federal government must effect meaningful reform of the 1976 Toxic Substances Control Act and ensure that each state take responsibility to protect consumers from harmful chemicals in many household and personal care products. The Summit will present scientific evidence regarding damaging effects of many chemicals on both adults and children.
Recently there has been an outpour of resistance from the food and beverage industry to the Scientific Report of the 2015 Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee. Even simple acts such as advocating for the consumption of more vegetable and fruits and advising the public to drink water is met with opposition by those industries threatened by a public interested in eating and living more healthfully.
At the Cancer Prevention Summit, experts in public health will challenge the public to consider what can be done to better prevent cancer. Most importantly there needs to a greater collaborative effort involving every segment of society.
The prevention of cancer will be a priority for New York as it should be for all of America.