Runners spend their entire life running even if it is as a hobby. One woman who was truly dedicated to running even into her mid-fifties may lose both of her legs as a result of a hit and run accident.
A woman was out for a run near Mount Sinai this week when a car slammed into her and rushed away from the scene. According to ABC News the driver of the car left the woman on the side of the road to die. The car hit her at a fast speed thus throwing her body to one side. The vehicle then sped away from the scene.
The woman is a long time jogger and the crash has left both of her legs in an extremely feeble state. She also has significant trauma to her head and chest. One of her doctors told NBC News, “Her significant injuries are her extremity fractures. Near total amputation of her arm, and her leg is injured. We still have several trips to the operating room.” The jogger will not be able to lead a normal, active life again.
The woman is struggling to survive and doctors have stated that she has almost lost both of her legs because the impact of the vehicle that struck her was so violent. The victim’s family is frantically trying to find the driver of the vehicle in order to ensure that justice is served. Her family has continuously stated that she is known as a strong person and they are hopeful that she will pull through and be able to offer some leads on the car.
The woman’s inconsolable daughter stated, “I just don’t understand why someone would do this and not stop. Just stop.” The woman’s brother stated, “We’re praying that Karen has her strength and that with our faith, she’ll get through this. But right now it’s day to day.” The woman has two children.
Authorities are looking for a light colored 2000-2003 BMW Sedan or station wagon. This car was noted at the scene speeding away after hitting the woman. The investigation is ongoing. Anyone with information is being urged to come forward and notify the police of what they saw. Alternatively, you are welcome to contact us and we can contact the police on your behalf. Being a witness means helping a fellow citizen and her family in their time of need.