We’ve all seen the bicyclists around New York City, they make driving a real terror. But nonetheless we are cautious as to not injuring them as frustrating as it might be to come to a screeching halt every time bicyclists decide to cut off cars.
Unfortunately on Sunday May 19th, a cyclist was not that lucky and hit by a livery cab driver. The incident happened in Crowne Heights at 1:15 a.m. The bicyclist veered in front of the cab and the cab driver was unable to stop in time. Both the cyclist and the cabbie were traveling east.
The victim was rushed to Methodist Hospital, where he was pronounced dead upon arrival.
The victim continues to be a John Doe. He did not have any identification. An investigation is still underway to discover the cyclist’s identity. Investigators believe that the victim is in his mid-30s.
According to the New York Post and the Police, the driver of the livery cab did not flee the scene and no criminality is suspected.
Not only do drivers need to be cautious of what is happening around them but so does everyone on the road. Bicyclists, joggers, and even walkers need to be aware of their surroundings.
When participating in any activity that is on the road take the proper safety precautions such as wearing a helmet, signaling when turns are being made & wearing reflective clothing. Especially now when listening devices such as ipods and mp3 players are so prevalent make sure that the music is not impeding you from being aware of your surroundings. Yes, this cyclist was traveling at 1:15 a.m. and he most likely didn’t think his risk of being an accident was high but it is better to be safe than sorry. People driving vehicles are surrounded by an enormous metal object, they may feel invincible but they must also be aware that this large metal object protecting them is harmful to others.