When you bring a civil lawsuit against the doctor, you put your medical condition in issue.
You have lived with your condition for years.
You know what doctors you have seen.
You know what complaints you have made to your doctors.
You know what treatment you've received.
When you bring a lawsuit, the defense attorneys don't know any of that...yet.
They don't know what doctor's you've been to.
They don't know what complaints you made.
They don't know what medical treatment you received.
But they will.
Soon enough.
They don't know what injuries you received from improper care from their clients.
But they will.
Soon enough.
They don't know what medications you're taking.
They don't know how your injuries have affected you on a daily basis.
But they will.
Soon enough.
As soon as you give them a list of those doctors.
As soon as you give them permission slips to get copies of your medical records.
They're entitled to see those records.
We also have an obligation to give them copies of those records as well.
They need to learn that information in order to understand your problems.
In order to understand how your injuries affect you and what you do each day.
To learn why I ask a doctor at trial "What medical records did you look at before coming to testify?" I invite you to watch the quick video below...