Many people across the country wear contact lenses. But what is lurking in your lens solution?
CBS news reports on the dangerous bacteria in your contact lens solution.
Many people are unaware of the harmful bacteria in their lens solution, which can affect their eyesight and cause problems.
“Bacteria that can cause serious eye infections are able to survive longer in contact lens cleaning solution than previously known, a new study finds. Researchers looked at different strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause microbial keratitis. This is an inflammation and ulceration of the cornea that can cause vision loss,” according to CBS.
Researchers examined many strains for the study.
CBS explains, “Bacteria that can cause serious eye infections are able to survive longer in contact lens cleaning solution than previously known, a new study finds. Researchers looked at different strains of Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which can cause microbial keratitis. This is an inflammation and ulceration of the cornea that can cause vision loss.”
The results were surprising. “The investigators tested nine strains of P. aeruginosa gathered from hospital patients in Britain and compared them to P. aeruginosa strain 9027, which is the standard one used in tests by makers of contact lens disinfectant solutions. Most of the strains were killed within 10 minutes after being placed in the contact lens solution, a result comparable to strain 9027. However, strain 39016 -- which causes more severe cases of keratitis with a longer healing time -- survived in the solution for more than four hours,” according to CBS.
The study’s lead author stated, “Microbial keratitis can be devastating for a patient -- it is important that the risk of developing this condition is reduced in contact lens wearers by improving contact lens disinfectant solutions.”