Why We Need Medical Experts-New York Medical Malpractice Lawyer Explains
When you bring a medical malpractice lawsuit in New York, you are required to have a medical expert confirm that you have a valid case. When you go to trial in a medical malpractice case in NY, you must also hire medical experts to testify to explain to a jury what happened and why.
Medicine is not something that non-doctors fully understand, and because medicine is often complex, doctors come into court to help teach us and explain to us what was done in plain language. Watch the video to learn more.
To learn more about how medical malpractice lawsuits work in the State of New York, I encourage you to explore my website http://www.oginski-law.com. If you have legal questions, I urge you to pick up the phone and call me since I can answer your legal questions at 516-487-8207 or by e-mail at [email protected]. I welcome your call.