You spend your morning scanning the news. Maybe you read the newspaper. Maybe you watch the morning news. Maybe you listen to the news in your car on the way to work. Or, if you are like many of us, you read your news online. No matter which way you get your news content, this section provides relevant information about current events that are happening relating to accident cases, wrongful death cases and medical malpractice cases in New York and throughout the country.
Many times you will see studies reported here that are currently trending in the news. On occasion I will add commentary to my news report to highlight a particular point and show what happens here in New York.
You will always find a link to the original news story contained within my news report. I find it critically important to allow you, the reader, the ability to determine for yourself the source of the story.
As always, if you have legal questions about your possible case that arose here in New York, I encourage you to pick up the phone and call me. This is what I do every single day. You can reach me at 516-487-8207 or by e-mail at [email protected]. I welcome your call.
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Cancer Concerns Prompt Changes to New Football Field TurfThere is a nationwide concern that crumb rubber found in most artificial turfs may cause cancer. The crumb rubber made up of ground tires that are used as infill
Are Supplements Safe for your Health?Many doctors recommend supplements and vitamins. But are they good for your health? A new study shows that some supplements, particularly diet supplements
Financial Toxicity of Cancer DrugsDrugs that help the body’s own immune cells fight tumors are expected to be used in multi-drug cocktails. Unfortunately these cocktails push the price of
Perjeta, Breast Cancer Drug, Extends Patients’ LivesPerjeta, known generically as pertuzumab, is a drug used to treat advanced breast cancer that was developed by the Swiss drug maker Roche. Patients who received
Are Cell Phones Really Giving People Cancer?Emerging evidence and studies are raising substantial and significant questions about the health risks cell phones and wireless radiation pose.
Risk of Breast Cancer Screening for Women over 70?A recent Dutch study asserts that including women ages 70 and over in a national breast cancer screening program does not lead to a large decline in advanced
7 Decades after Atomic Bomb Testing, U.S. Studies RamificationsClose to 70 years after the world’s first atomic bomb test was done in the New Mexico desert, United States federal researchers are scheduled to visit the state
Thermometer May be Used to Detect Lung CancerScientists from Italy announced that the temperature of breath could be a giveaway for tumors within the lungs. A lung biopsy is an invasive process where a
Laser Zapping Cancer TreatmentNeuroblate treatment is a laser which is a couple millimeters in size. It is directed into the tumor and then the neurosurgeon controls the laser with an MRI.
Cancer Professor Claims Attempts to Cure Cancer are FutileProfessor Mel Greaves claims that most cancers cannot be cured and rather than continue researching cures, experts should focus their time and energy on ways of