You spend your morning scanning the news. Maybe you read the newspaper. Maybe you watch the morning news. Maybe you listen to the news in your car on the way to work. Or, if you are like many of us, you read your news online. No matter which way you get your news content, this section provides relevant information about current events that are happening relating to accident cases, wrongful death cases and medical malpractice cases in New York and throughout the country.
Many times you will see studies reported here that are currently trending in the news. On occasion I will add commentary to my news report to highlight a particular point and show what happens here in New York.
You will always find a link to the original news story contained within my news report. I find it critically important to allow you, the reader, the ability to determine for yourself the source of the story.
As always, if you have legal questions about your possible case that arose here in New York, I encourage you to pick up the phone and call me. This is what I do every single day. You can reach me at 516-487-8207 or by e-mail at [email protected]. I welcome your call.
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New Study; Premarin Increasing Risk of Blood ClotsThe FDA reports women shouldn’t use hormone therapy to prevent heart attacks, strokes, breast cancer, and gall bladder disease. Women who have a uterus and take
New Drug Improves Survival Rate for Pancreatic CancerCancer is considered one of the most dangerous diseases in today’s world. However a drug created by Incyte, called Jakafi, might be used for those suffering from pancreatic cancer and it is giving patients new hope.
More Side Effects of BPA ProductsMost people are aware of the fact that BPA products have negative side effects, especially in children. But new research is finding that there are more and more issues with BPA
Researchers Excited by New X-Ray Imaging; Phase Contrast ImagingResearchers enthused by new X-ray imaging, promises to reduce radiation absorption while increasing resolution
Failure to Treat Heart Attack Gets Patient $126M: Largest Award in Local HistoryA state Supreme Court jury has just awarded a 51-year-old Oneonta woman the largest civil verdict in local history -- $126 million -- for a hospital's failure to diagnose and treat her heart attack,
Corrupt Cardiac Procedures in Florida, Part I: Why?A recent NY Times expose has uncovered long-standing improprieties at a health conglomerate.
Corrupt Cardiac Procedures, Part II: DevelopmentsIn 2003, an independent review reported trouble at HCA's Cedars Medical Center's cardiac catheterization lab: too many unnecessary cardiac procedures.
Powerful New Heart Scanners Introduced to Long Island; Coronary-Computer Tomographic AngiographyTwo Long Island hospitals have recently taken on two high-tech heart X-ray scanners which claim to be able to take a detailed three-dimensional image in under a second. They claim costs and